Welcome to the Second Wind Health & Wellness Conference Website

Discover, Connect, Go for It! Second Wind Wellness Conference Second Wind Wellness Conference

Once again, a dedicated group of retired teachers are putting together Second Wind, the premier health and wellness conference for retirees in the Edmonton area!

Participants will enjoy free parking and start their day with a morning coffee, a muffin and fruit. Exchange a jigsaw puzzle and pick up your swag bag. Enjoy a full day with an inspiring keynote address, engaging and informative speakers, a sumptuous lunch (with pyrogies!), senior-oriented exhibitors and local craftspeople, dozens of draws for attractive door prizes, and a chance to unwind and chat at the end-of-day Wine Down.

Bring a friend and join us for Second Wind’s 12th health and wellness conference at the Chateau Louis Conference Centre!

Circle the date on your calendar: September 11, 2025.

Second Wind’s outstanding 2025 program will be featured here and registrations will be open in April.

Save $25 and register by July 31st for the EARLY BIRD registration fee - STILL only $95!